Buying Guide: How to Choose Cold Beverage Equipment and Accessories for Your Foodservice Establishment
Dispensers, mixers, and other equipment that your bar should be without to make, store, and serve every item on your cold beverage menu.
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Dispensers, mixers, and other equipment that your bar should be without to make, store, and serve every item on your cold beverage menu.
Restaurants who offer catering of any type will need to invest in the proper equipment in order to transport food and beverages to venues. One supply that all caterers will want to consider is the purchase of beverage containers and carriers.
Whether you are serving high-end cocktails in a premium lounge, hosting a rowdy, hungry crowd in a sports bar, or tending to local tastes in your friendly neighborhood dive bar, you need to invest in the following pieces of essential equipment for your bar!
There's nothing more frustrating than trying to order at a swamped bar and waiting for what seems like an eternity for service, especially when all you're after is a simple beer.
Self-Service Staples: Beverage Dispensers for Any Environment
Every foodservice environment needs a good setup for serving and dispensing beverages. Ideal for self-service environments and the back of the house, a good commercial beverage dispenser or commercial server helps keep service streamlined, even during busy rushes. At CKitchen, we’re on hand to help you find the right style for your needs, whether you’re in search of a commercial juice dispenser for your breakfast or brunch buffet, or a commercial soda dispenser for catering and event planning.
We have several different styles of commercial beverage dispensers in our selection. While many of our dispensers are versatile — they can be used as restaurant juice dispensers, water dispensers and soda dispensers as needed — some are designed for specific applications. For example, you’ll need a purpose-built tea or coffee dispenser for hot liquids, and should use refrigerated beverage dispensers for cold drinks, smoothies, slushies and more.
Perfect for Hotels, Resorts, Cafeterias and More
To make your hospitality breakfast bar or buffet move more efficiently, consider investing in one of our cereal dispensers. Commercial-grade options ensure that your breakfast buffet equipment stays in grade-A shape year after year. Of course, you can also invest in a high-quality juice dispenser, commercial coffee makers and other options from our store to keep your operation running efficiently. You’ll also find several dip trays and replacement parts here to keep your equipment clean and efficient with regular use.
CKitchen happily offers the lowest prices on beverage equipment. Make sure to explore our entire selection to find commercial coffee brewers, hot beverage dispensers, cold beverage dispensers, espresso machines and much more! You’ll enjoy great prices on top-quality equipment by Admiral Craft, Browne, Grindmaster-Cecilware and more at CKitchen.