Are your tables dirty and scuffed from all the meal prep? Advance Tabco poly top work tables are an excellent solution for chopping vegetables or meat without scratching the surface and keeping it as good as new for years. These poly top tables are available in undershelf and open base styles. They come with a flat top or a 6" backsplash.
Advance Tabco poly top work tables are accessible in 24" and 30" widths. They range in length from 48" to 120".
Standard features include a smooth patented Poly-Vance working surface with welded stainless steel angle frame, die-formed flush tabs, adjustable bullet feet, and a 16-gauge stainless steel undershelf.
To further streamline and boost the efficiency of food prep processes, explore CKitchen's fantastic selection of durable and cost-effective prep table sink units from Advance Tabco.