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Continental Refrigerator Reach-In Freezers

Preserve Quality of Your Meats, Seafood, and More for Longer Periods of Time with Continental Refrigerator Reach-In Freezers

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Efficient organization and easy access to your frozen goods in a compact and stylish unit.


They offer the convenience of two separate compartments, allowing for efficient organization and storage of frozen items while maximizing accessibility and preserving product quality.


With its generous capacity and three separate sections, this freezer maximizes storage space, enabling businesses to stock and organize a large quantity and diverse range of frozen products with ease.
Top Mounted

Top Mounted

Top-mounted refrigeration system keeps the air intake far away from dust and debris on the floor while venting warm air out of the top.
Bottom Mounted

Bottom Mounted

Bottom-mounted refrigeration system provides easy access to components for cleaning or maintenance tasks.


Get next glass Reach-In Freezers and other Refrigeration Equipment here at Ckitchen.com - bring new level of flexibility to any foodservice establishment while increasing the productivity.


Get your next solid Reach-In Freezers and other Refrigeration Equipment here at Ckitchen.com and bring new level of convenience to any foodservice establishment while boosting the productivity.


Easy access and optimal visibility due to their full doors, ensuring efficient organization and retrieval of frozen goods.


This units offer the advantage of efficient organization and accessibility while minimizing temperature loss due to their convenient half-door design.
Continental Refrigerator 1FN 26'' 1 Section Solid Door Reach-In Freezer
Your Price$4,900.94
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Continental Refrigerator 1FSN 26'' 1 Section Solid Door Reach-In Freezer
Your Price$4,900.94
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Continental Refrigerator 1FNSA 26'' 1 Section Door Reach-In Freezer
Your Price$5,481.30
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Popular Brands for Reach-In Freezers

Arctic Air Beverage Air Victory Refrigeration Atosa Delfield Falcon Global Refrigeration Hoshizaki Traulsen U-Line Commercial Blue Air Turbo Air Everest Howard-McCray True CAPITAL FINANCIAL LLC Connerton Continental Refrig Hawk Kelvinator Commercial MASTER-BILT PRODUCTS MCCALL REFRIGERATION CO. Summit Commercial Maxx Cold Admiral Craft AMPTO Excellence Akita Refrigeration Bison Refrigeration IKON Kool-It - Signature Norpole
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Reach-In Freezers Videos

Continental Refrigerator 1FNSS 26'' 1 Section Door Reach-In Freezer
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    If you’re looking for a simplistic and convenient way to store perishables at the optimal temperature, Continental Refrigerator’s reach-in freezers are an ideal choice. Equipped with electronic controls and a seamless digital display, these refrigerators are the perfect companion for culinarians that seek user-friendliness in their kitchen products. Each freezer enables the user to set the temperature as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring all foods are completely frozen and held at the right temperature. The condenser is self-contained, and the unit is Energy Star certified, ensuring savings for business owners. All units come with a full-height solid stainless steel door, keeping stored material secure from the external environment. Continental Refrigerator has produced world-class products for serious culinary enthusiasts since 1989. Their expertise has allowed them to offer premium reach-in freezers to business owners that are serious about growing their business. If you're a restaurateur that prioritizes quick and easy ways to serve their high-volume business, Continental Refrigerator’s reach-in freezers are some of your best options. Don’t forget to check out CKitchen’s detailed catalog for the company’s most trusted appliances!
    BBB Accredited Business
    EKOMI Customer Award